Author name: The Red Pen

Six Responsibilities of the School Counsellor | The Red Pen

Six Responsibilities of the School Counsellor

There are many components to coordinate when putting together each undergraduate college application. And while certain responsibilities fall on the applicant–writing essays and completing the application forms–some are managed by the school counsellor. Even if you are working with an independent study abroad consultant, there are specific action items that only your school counsellor will …

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Why Is a School Profile Crucial to Your Application? | The Red Pen

Why Is a School Profile Crucial to Your Application?

For those of you who are looking to get a head start on your college applications, start by organising some generic documents. One such document is a school profile, which many colleges may require. Prepared and submitted by your school counsellor or another faculty member, such as your principal or academic coordinator, this two-page document, printed on …

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Undergraduate Applications – Frequently Asked Questions | The Red Pen

Undergraduate Applications – Frequently Asked Questions

Starting the complex process of undergraduate applications for colleges abroad can be a daunting task. While you may have specific questions based on your unique situation, here are some answers to some commonly asked questions. Remember, these are general guidelines and could differ from country to country and even from college to college. When should …

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What is Liberal Arts Education - Is It for you? | The Red Pen

What is Liberal Arts Education – Is It for you?

Today’s job market is constantly changing, with new jobs being continually added and old ones being automated at lightning speed. As such, you need to equip yourself with skills that go beyond textbooks and can be applied to any industry or job. This is what a liberal arts education aims to teach. What is a …

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Finding Funding for Your College Education | The Red Pen

Finding Funding for Your College Education

Attending college in the US is expensive, but may not be as costly if approached thoughtfully. Rather, a US education can be a good investment with lifelong benefits. Coming from a middle-income family and being the first to study abroad, I tried to leave no stone unturned when it came to finding funding for my …

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Breaking Down the World of Work | The Red Pen

Breaking Down the World of Work

In the 21st-century employment market, companies are demanding skills beyond the three R’s–Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic. In fact, an over-reliance on rote learning and classroom instruction has resulted in an enormous ‘skills gap’ across the globe. “According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report, nearly half the subject knowledge learned during the first year …

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How to Choose Your Extracurriculars | The Red Pen

How to Choose Your Extracurriculars

The US application process can be compared to a song compilation. To get accepted, you need to hit the right notes and have the right instruments and lyrics to convey your passion. If any one thing goes offbeat or doesn’t fit, people may not relate to it. But, in the end, this is still YOUR …

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What is Blockchain? | The Red Pen

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is the latest of the hot technology trends. With billions of dollars being invested in blockchain companies and cryptocurrencies (a concrete application of blockchain), you might be wondering what all the hype is about. In this article, I will break down the underlying concept of blockchain and illustrate some of its most disruptive applications. …

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Should I Apply for a Business-Technology Degree? | The Red Pen

Should I Apply for a Business-Technology Degree?

In recent years, we have seen the employment landscape rapidly change. Today, more jobs are interdisciplinary, rather than focusing on a singular speciality. This is especially true in the technology industry. As technology is being utilised and implemented in multiple fields, it has created a need for employees to become proficient in business as well. …

Should I Apply for a Business-Technology Degree? Read More »

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | The Red Pen

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Intelligence, usually associated with human endeavours, involves acts of interpretation, extrapolation, information synthesis and perception. Intelligence is how humans make sense of the world. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the study and practice of making intelligent machines, that is machines capable of human-like perception, classification and beyond. While most people have heard of AI only …

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